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Framework agreement

The Municipality of The Hague once again selects CIMSOLUTIONS for framework agreement for hiring external IT personnel 2022-2026

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The municipality of The Hague has selected the consortium CIMSOLUTIONS, Brunel en Verdonck, Klooster & Associates (VKA) as one of the preferred suppliers for the deployment of external IT personnel via a European tender. After a successful registration, this consortium may once again call itself the preferred supplier of the municipality of The Hague for the coming years. CIMSOLUTIONS has been supplying ICT professionals to the municipality of The Hague since 2009 in various successive framework agreements.

The award concerns the largest Generic lot with an estimated size of €6.5 million per year, in which all regular roles for Information Technology & Automation (I&A) organizations can be requested. The specialist lots Security and Data/AI have also been awarded to our consortium. The municipal I&A organization is responsible for the application landscape and the IT infrastructure and carries out a multitude of ICT projects per year.

“ We are proud that we have been able to work for the municipality of The Hague for so many years in many different IT functions and that we have re-qualified together with our partners Brunel and VKA to supply external IT personnel,” says Moynul Hossain, CEO of CIMSOLUTIONS. “We are very happy to contribute to the social and technical challenges of the municipality in the field of digitalization of services, working in multidisciplinary teams, digital innovations, etc. and look forward to further cooperation in the coming years .”

Municipality of The Hague

The municipality of The Hague is a municipality with approximately 550,000 inhabitants. This makes The Hague one of the four largest municipalities in the Netherlands. The municipal organization consists of seven services. The business operations functions are bundled in the Business Operations Department. One of these business operations functions is Information Technology & Automation. This organizational unit is responsible for developing and managing the information provision and automation of the municipal organization.

CIMSOLUTIONS, the ICT service provider for 32 years

CIMSOLUTIONS delivers high-quality ICT services and solutions. We optimally respond to the needs of the customer and strive for a successful and long-term collaboration. With our sights set on the future, we are continuously developing ourselves. We continue to innovate and adapt to the ever-changing technology and the market. Our goal is to help the customer with the introduction of new concepts, methods and technologies. That is why our slogan is: “ Learn, create & make it work ”.

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